Sap Data Service Implementation #1

ETL Tool

Posted by Ding on April 26, 2017

Data Service


Introduction to SAP Data Services

Designer: GUI編集ツール

This is the front end GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool where developers can login and build the jobs in SAP Data Services to move the data from one system to other or with-in the system and define the logic for transformations. To Open Data Service Designer go to Start Menu -> All Programs -> SAP Data Services (4.2 here) -> Data Service Designer.

Repository: DS自身や作成したジョブ等の情報を保存するDB

Repository is a database that stores designer predefine objects and user defined objects (source and target metadata, transformation rules).Repository are of two types

  • Local Repository (Used by Designer and Job Server).
  • Central Repository ( Used for object sharing and version control)

Access Server: 即実行用サーバー

This server is used to execute the real-time jobs created by developers in the repositories. Job Server: ジョブサーバー This is one of the main server component in data services and is used to execute all the batch jobs created by developers in the system. Repositories should be attached to at least to one job server to execute the jobs in the repository, otherwise developer cannot execute the jobs. 注意:Real-Time JobとBatch Jobが存在する

Management Console:ジョブスケジューラ

It is a web based console for managing SAP Data Services like scheduling the jobs, looking at system statistics on memory usage, runtime of jobs, CPU utilization etc.

Data Serviceの歴史

  1. Acta Technology IncがData Integration (DI)とData Quality (DQ)を開発
  2. BusinessObjectsがActa Technology Incを買収する(2002年)。製品名がBusinessObjects Data Integration (BODI) tool と BusinessObjects Data Quality (BODQ) toolになった。
  3. SAPがBusinessObjectsを買収し、両製品をSAP BusinessObjects Data Services (BODS)に統一した。(2008)BODSが4.2バージョンになった際にSAP Data Service(SDS)に変更した。

    Load Data to SAP HANA

    How to load data to SAP HANA using SAP Data Services

  4. Create Data Store between Source and BODS
  5. Import the metadata (Structures) to BODS.
  6. Configure Import Server
  7. Import the metadata to HANA system.
  8. Create Data Store between BODS to HANA.
  9. Create Project.
  10. Define Job
  11. Define Work Flow
  12. Define Data Flow
  13. Add Object in Dataflow
  14. Execute the job
  15. Validate/Check the Data in HANA